This Job Has expired
X ray Technician
A Reputed company

अन्तिम मिति:   2021 Nov 22

खाली पद : 10 people
स्थान : Maharajgunj Chakrapath, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province
तलब :
NRs. 18,000.00 - 22,000.00 Monthly
लिङ्ग : पुरुष
शिक्षा :
आवश्यक छैन
कामको श्रेणी : मध्य श्रेणी
कामको प्रकार : पुरै समय
सिफ्ट : कुनै पनि समय
कामको अनुभव
2 Years (आवश्यक)
दुई पांग्रेको आवश्यकता : Yes
कागजातहरू : Citizenship , CV

प्राविधिक सीपहरु:


व्यक्तिगत गुणहरू:

Healthy & Fit, Athletes loyal, flexibility इमानदार समय व्यवस्थापन कौशल सुचनाको राम्रोसंग संचार गर्न सक्ने

कार्य मानकहरू:

Polite लचिलोपन कम्प्युटर ज्ञान एक्स रे मेसिनको ज्ञान

आवश्यक ज्ञान:

Well wriiten and spoken English PCL Radiography for X Ray


सामाजिक सुरक्षा कोष (SSF) खाना Annual Bouns An amazing and peaceful working environment बिदाको सुविधा कम्पनी सम्झौता अनुसार
कामको विवरण
  1. Completing the patients' intake process, taking patients' histories, and preparing and educating patients about the imaging procedure.

  2. Reviewing patients' charts and Doctors' notes before the examination, and maintaining patients' records during and after procedures.

  3. Preparing radiopharmaceuticals for contrast in the diagnostic images.

  4. Positioning patients and equipment to capture the correct area and produce clear images.

  5. Monitoring patients and ensuring their safety during imaging procedures.

  6. Calibrating the equipment to ensure clear, usable images are taken of the correct area, as specified by the Doctor.

  7. Logging and organizing image results, developing film, assisting with the interpretation of the radiograph results, and consulting with Radiologists to determine if other images need to be taken.

  8. Ensuring the proper sterilization and storage of the equipment, maintaining radiographic equipment, and reporting any equipment failures.

  9. Coordinating with the radiology department to schedule and complete radiographic procedures.

  10. Maintaining up to date knowledge of current radiology practices.

यस समयमा कुनै समान कामहरू उपलब्ध छैन