This Job Has expired
Waiter Captain
Dolphin Foodstation

अन्तिम मिति:   2024 Dec 22

खाली पद : 1 people
स्थान : Kapan Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province
तलब :
लिङ्ग : पुरुष
शिक्षा :
+2 / Intermediate Pass (आवश्यक)
कामको श्रेणी : मध्य श्रेणी
कामको प्रकार : पुरै समय
सिफ्ट : नियमित
कामको अनुभव
3 Years (आवश्यक)
कागजातहरू : Citizenship , CV

प्राविधिक सीपहरु:

छिटो सिक्न सक्ने वेटर टिम वर्किङ Take food and beverage orders correctly Assign duties ensuring equity of work

व्यक्तिगत गुणहरू:

इमानदार वफादार र लचीलोपन विनम्र लचिलो


बास र खाना
कामको विवरण
  1. Leading and supervising the service staff, including servers, bussers, and hosts/hostesses.

  2. Assigning sections and tables to servers, ensuring that each server has an equal workload and that all guests are attended to promptly.

  3. Training new servers and providing ongoing training to the existing staff on the restaurant's service standards, menu items, and wine list.

  4. Monitoring the dining room and ensuring that guests are seated and served in a timely and efficient manner.

  5. Addressing any issues or concerns that guests may have and ensuring that they have an enjoyable dining experience.

  6. Maintaining a high level of cleanliness and organization in the dining room, including setting and resetting tables, managing tableware, and coordinating with the kitchen staff.

  7. Maintaining inventory of all dining room supplies, such as linens, glassware, and utensils, and ordering replacements as needed.

  8. Ensuring that all service staff are following the restaurant's dress code and grooming standards.

  9. Managing reservations and special requests, such as private events and catering orders.

  10. Handling customer complaints and working with the restaurant management team to resolve any issues.

Note- Should be able to work at any shift.

यस समयमा कुनै समान कामहरू उपलब्ध छैन