खाली पद | : | 1 people |
स्थान | : | New Baneswor, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province |
तलब | : | NRs. 25,000.00 - 30,000.00 Monthly |
लिङ्ग | : | महिला |
शिक्षा | : |
Bachelor's Degree (प्राथमिकता)
कामको श्रेणी | : | वरिष्ठ श्रेणी |
कामको प्रकार | : | पुरै समय |
सिफ्ट | : | कुनै पनि समय |
कामको अनुभव
| : |
1 Years (प्राथमिकता)
दुई पांग्रेको आवश्यकता | : | Yes |
कागजातहरू | : | Citizenship , CV |
प्राविधिक सीपहरु:
ग्राहक सेवा सार्वजनिक भाषण CMLT कम्प्युटरको ज्ञान हुनु आवश्यक छकार्य मानकहरू:
भरपर्दो निर्णय गर्नेमा राम्रो कौशल अेाभरटाइम काम गर्ने दुबैको लागी NHPC प्रमाणितसुविधाहरू:
कम्पनी नीति अनुसार· Over-see and co-ordinate overall front desk operations and management
· Guide and orientation from designation part for newly joined
· Assisting the admin and operations work if necessary
· Social media handling and dealing also with the design and flyers needed.
· Camp organising and overall co-ordination
· Collect all information needed to calculate bills receivable (order amounts, discount rates, etc.);
· Check the data input in the accounting system to ensure accuracy of final bill;
· Issue invoices and bills;
· Receive payments through various methods (cash, online payments, etc.) and check for credibility;
· Manage all the cash and do proper handover of the cash to the finance department or person in-charge;
· Must do proper documentation of the billing and discounts;
· Cash handover to finance-department;
· Daily closing of credit and cash from the front desk department;
· Duty roster of the front desk department;
· Leave recommendation of the front desk department staffs;
· Should create the ambience in the front desk and should be responsible for the disciplinary rules of the front desk staffs;
· Welcomes patients and visitors by greeting patients and visitors in person and on the telephone and answering inquiries or referring questions to other staff members;
· Schedules appointments for the physicians and physician assistants to optimise patient satisfaction, provide time and make the most effective use of examination and treatment rooms;
· Endeavours to keep patients on schedule by reminding provider of service delays;
· Assists ill or distraught patients as necessary;
· Maintains reception area in a neat and orderly condition;
· Assists patients with insurance papers and billing questions;
· Opens and sorts office mail;
· Coordination for home sample collection.