खाली पद | : | 1 people |
स्थान | : | Sanepa, Lalitpur, Bagmati Province |
तलब | : | NRs. 20,000.00 - 30,000.00 Monthly |
लिङ्ग | : | पुरुष |
शिक्षा | : |
Bachelor's Degree (प्राथमिकता)
कामको श्रेणी | : | वरिष्ठ श्रेणी |
कामको प्रकार | : | पुरै समय |
सिफ्ट | : | नियमित |
कामको अनुभव
| : |
5 Years (प्राथमिकता)
दुई पांग्रेको आवश्यकता | : | Yes |
कागजातहरू | : | Citizenship , CV |
प्राविधिक सीपहरु:
अवयवहरूको बारेमा ज्ञान राम्राे संग कुराकानी गर्न सक्ने Kitchen budgeting ग्राहक सेवा व्यवस्थापन कौशल Fluent English समस्या समाधान Location Knowledge Management मेहनती Cutting vegetablesव्यक्तिगत गुणहरू:
Presentable Well dressed Convincing समयमा समयनिष्ठ स्वच्छता वफादार र लचीलोपन समय व्यवस्थापन कौशल ग्राहकहरूसँग व्यवहार गर्ने ज्ञान लचिलो सुचनाको राम्रोसंग संचार गर्न सक्नेसुविधाहरू:
अन्तर्वार्तामा छलफल गरिनेछ कम्पनी नीति अनुसार छुट्टी foodingi. Deputies in the absence sous Chef and ensure smooth functioning of the kitchen.
ii. Train the auxiliary kitchen staff in order to provide the best results in minimum time and use at the maximum the available resources.
iii. Come up with new dishes which appeal to the clients, whenever required.
iv. Introduce high-quality dishes that follow up the established menu and level up to the location’s standards, as well as to clients’ requirements.
v. Make sure the hygiene and food safety standards are met in all stages of food preparation, starting with the ingredients and ending with the finished dish which leaves the kitchen door.
vi. Maintain the stock and ordering and receiving the veg, non veg, and grocery in the absence of head Chef and sous chef Stock monitoring.
vii. Send the daily reports to kitchen head chef.