खाली पद | : | 3 people |
स्थान | : | Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province |
तलब | : | NRs. 12,000.00 - 18,000.00 Monthly |
लिङ्ग | : | पुरुष |
शिक्षा | : |
+2 / Intermediate Pass (आवश्यक)
कामको श्रेणी | : | प्रवेश श्रेणी |
कामको प्रकार | : | पुरै समय |
सिफ्ट | : | नियमित |
कामको अनुभव
| : |
1 Years (आवश्यक)
दुई पांग्रेको आवश्यकता | : | Yes |
कागजातहरू | : | Citizenship , CV |
प्राविधिक सीपहरु:
Time management Know all location of Kathmanduव्यक्तिगत गुणहरू:
Good communication skills. Healthy & Fit, Athletes loyal, flexibility समय व्यवस्थापन कौशलसुविधाहरू:
Can be discussed in the interview कम्पनी नीति अनुसार छुट्टीLoading, transporting, and delivering items to clients or businesses in a safe, timely manner.
Reviewing orders before and after delivery to ensure that orders are complete, the charges are correct, and the customer is satisfied.