खाली पद | : | 1 people |
स्थान | : | Lokanthali, Bhaktapur, Bagmati Province |
तलब | : | NRs. 10,000.00 - 12,000.00 Monthly |
लिङ्ग | : | पुरुष |
शिक्षा | : |
+2 / Intermediate Pass (प्राथमिकता)
कामको श्रेणी | : | प्रवेश श्रेणी |
कामको प्रकार | : | पुरै समय |
सिफ्ट | : | दिन |
कामको अनुभव
| : |
2 Years (प्राथमिकता)
कागजातहरू | : | Citizenship , CV |
प्राविधिक सीपहरु:
राम्राे संग कुराकानी गर्न सक्ने मेहनती मेहेनती अनुशाशित Requirement Collectionव्यक्तिगत गुणहरू:
Presentable इमानदार समय व्यवस्थापन कौशलकार्य मानकहरू:
License holder Loyal Flexible विवरण उन्मुखसुविधाहरू:
कम्पनी सम्झौता अनुसारA rider's job is to maintain a specific route or area to collect or deliver packages.
They often used bicycles or motorcycles to perform their duties.
Their duties and responsibilities include writing logs and reports, collecting payment for deliveries, and informing customers of new products and services.