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Rojgari Services - Job Matching

अन्तिम मिति:   2022 Jun 18

खाली पद : 1 people
स्थान : Koteshwor, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province
तलब :
NRs. 12,000.00 - 15,000.00 Monthly
उमेर :
Above 18
लिङ्ग : प्राथमिकता छैन
शिक्षा :
+2 / Intermediate Pass (आवश्यक)
कामको श्रेणी : प्रवेश श्रेणी
कामको प्रकार : पुरै समय
सिफ्ट : नियमित
कामको अनुभव
1 Years (आवश्यक)
कागजातहरू : Citizenship , CV

प्राविधिक सीपहरु:

राम्राे संग कुराकानी गर्न सक्ने समस्या समाधान एक्सेल अंग्रेजी ट्याली लेखा ज्ञान

व्यक्तिगत गुणहरू:

Good communication skills. loyal, flexibility Presentable समय व्यवस्थापन कौशल

कार्य मानकहरू:

Polite Fast Typing Skill भरपर्दो उच्च संगठित अेाभरटाइम काम गर्ने विवरण उन्मुख
कामको विवरण
  1. Complying with all company, local, state, and federal accounting and financial regulations.

  2. Compiling, analyzing, and reporting financial data.

  3. Creating periodic reports, such as balance sheets, profit & loss statements, etc.

  4. Presenting data to managers, investors, and other entities.

  5. Maintaining accurate financial records.

  6. Performing audits and resolving discrepancies.

  7. Computing taxes.

  8. Keeping informed about current legislation relating to finance and accounting.

  9. Assisting management in the decision-making process by preparing budgets and financial forecasts.

यस समयमा कुनै समान कामहरू उपलब्ध छैन