Vacancy | : | 1 people |
Location | : | New Baneswor, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province |
Salary | : | Negotiable |
Gender | : | Female |
Education | : |
Not Required
Job Level | : | Mid Level |
Job Type | : | Full Time |
Shift | : | Regular |
Work Experience
| : |
1 Years (Required)
Documents | : | Citizenship , CV |
Technical Skills:
Ability to Cook Ability to keep kitchen clean and tidy Good at cookingPersonal Skills:
Hard working Learner Kind and helpful nature Having patienceWork Standards:
Loyal and flexibility HardworkingRequired Knowledge:
Knowledge on cooking Knowledge about cleaning Familiarity with kitchen systems & inventory itemsBenefits:
Salary is negotiable Salary will be discussed in interviewसबै आवश्यक सामग्री र खाना पकाउने उपकरणहरूको साथ कार्यस्थानहरू सेट अप गर्ने
खाना पकाउन प्रयोग गर्नका लागि सामग्रीहरू तयार गर्ने (तरकारी काट्ने र छिल्ने, मासु काट्ने, आदि)
विभिन्न भाँडा वा ग्रिलमा खाना पकाउने
हलचल वा घुमाउन खाना पकाउँदा खाना जाँच गर्ने
तिनीहरूलाई सेवा गर्नु अघि व्यंजनहरू ड्रेसिङ गरेर उत्कृष्ट प्रस्तुति सुनिश्चित गर्ने
भान्साकोठामा सफा र व्यवस्थित वातावरण राख्ने
सबै खाद्यान्न र अन्य वस्तुहरू ठीकसँग भण्डार गरिएको छ छैन सुनिश्चित गर्ने
कार्य समय: बिहान ७ देखि साँझ ७ सम्म
Job Description
Set up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment
Prepare ingredients to use in cooking (chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat, etc.)
Cook food in various utensils or grills
Check food while cooking to stir or turn
Ensure great presentation by dressing dishes before they are served
Keep a sanitized and orderly environment in the kitchen
Ensure all food and other items are stored properly