Vacancy | : | 1 people |
Location | : | Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province |
Salary | : | NRs. 12,000.00 - 15,000.00 Monthly |
Age | : |
Above 18
Gender | : | Male |
Education | : |
+2 / Intermediate Pass (Required)
Job Level | : | Entry Level |
Job Type | : | Full Time |
Shift | : | Regular |
Work Experience
| : |
Not Required
Documents | : | Citizenship , CV |
Technical Skills:
Communication Problem Finding & Solving Location Knowledge Bike RiderPersonal Skills:
Good communication skills. loyal, flexibility Time manage SkillWork Standards:
Reliable Working Overtime Detail OrientedDeliver a wide variety of items to different addresses and through different routes
Follow routes and time schedule
Load, unload, prepare, inspect and operate a delivery vehicle
Ask for feedback on provided services and resolve clients’ complaints
Collect payments
Inform customers about new products and services
Complete logs and reports
Follow DOT regulations and safety standards