This Job Has expired
All Rounder Cook
Gaurishankar Rest Home

Apply Before:   2025 Feb 19

Vacancy : 1 people
Location : Bhagawati Temple, Panchkhal, Bagmati Province
Salary :
Gender : Male
Education :
+2 / Intermediate Pass (Required)
Job Level : Mid Level
Job Type : Full Time
Shift : Regular
Work Experience
3 Years (Required)
Documents : Citizenship , CV

Technical Skills:

Food Safety Culinary Expertise Food Service Good knowledge of food and beverage service Having a high level of accuracy of work Preparing the food for cooking

Personal Skills:

Hard working Calm mind in a stressful environment Keen attention to detail Enthusiasm to develop your skills and knowledge Punctual (able to complete all tasks on time) Cleanliness and Hygiene

Work Standards:

Scheduling Several years of professional Keen sense of cleanliness

Required Knowledge:

Can cook fast food Understanding ingredients Familiarity with kitchen systems & inventory items


Salary is negotiable Salary will be discussed in interview As per company rule food and lodging will provided
Job Description
  1. मौसमी सामग्रीहरूको उपलब्धतालाई ध्यानमा राखेर खानाको योजना बनाउने

  2. खाना बनाउदा प्रयोग हुने सामग्रीको गुणस्तर जाँच गर्ने

  3. कती खाना पकाउदा ठीक्क हुन्छ अनुमान लगाउने

  4. ग्राहकको प्राथमिकतामा आधारित खानाको व्यवस्था र सजावट गर्ने

  5. ब्लेंडर, ओभन वा मिक्सर जस्ता विभिन्न भान्साका उपकरणहरू चलाउन जान्ने

  6. खाना बनाउनुअघि आफ्नो सरसफाइमा ध्यान दिने

  7. भान्साकोठामा सफा र व्यवस्थित वातावरण बनाउने

  8. सबै खाद्यान्न र अन्य वस्तुहरू ठीकसँग भण्डार गरिएको छ भनेर सुनिश्चित गर्ने

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