
Rojgari Services Private Limited, registered under Company Act in 2012, is a national employment agency working to empower job seekers with a wide range of employment related information and service, particularly jobs counselling, soft skills training, and employment match-making.
Rojgari enlists and connects job seekers and employers in Nepal through an online portal www.rojgari.com and Rojgari mobile App.

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Job Matching Services

Job matching is the process of matching employer requirements and worker by reviewing and short listing the job seeker profile as per agreed by both organizations. Shortlisted worker will be called for face to face interview and final selection of forwarded candidate will be decided by the client. Rojgari Services have built up extensive knowledge in various sectors and know their local markets inside out. Most importantly they are familiar with all the various large, mid-sized and small businesses We have a proud track record of providing fast, responsive and effective recruitment solutions and successfully placed more than 8000+ candidates. This covers a variety of recruitment services including permanent, intern or contractor, search and contingency solutions from graduate entrance level to senior management.

Team Behind Rojgari

Rojgari App

Employment to the unemployed, Employee to the Employer, Rojgari Pasal is with you, employment is on your hand !!

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